eagle bay bach
Location | 7 Vixen Close, Eagle Bay WA
The client for this project is a young designer wanting a weekend retreat from the city where they could escape the hustle and bustle of urban living, play music, surf and get back to their roots.
The site is located within the small coastal township of Eagle Bay, and is surrounded by bushland. The design of the cabin draws heavily on the materiality surrounding the site as well as encompassing passive solar techniques, so as to minimise wasteful energy consumption and enable it to run off the grid and harvest its own rainwater.
The client desired for the bach to be split into two forms, separating living + kitchen spaces from a bedroom + studio. The design of the cabin would need to encompass an open plan living + kitchen area with windows capturing the vista towards the ocean in the north east, along with a deck capturing similiar views. The client wanted a low maintenance interior for the bach, resulting in polished concrete flooring, and white finished walls, with timber elements to reflect the natural materiality surrounding the site.